Pinny and Me. A Love Affair

I cannot tell a lie since we are friends and all. My roommate, Jason, was on Pinterest long before me. I held out. Why? Well, because I thought it was another thing to suck up my time. I already spend hours scouring the Internet for pictures of adorable puppies (not really a cat person so…) He would tell me all the time how much I would love this snazzy site. Still I held off until one day when I caved.

Well, I was an obvious bonehead because this site has changed my life. Okay, not in the way of like making me more organized or finding the meaning of life but in the, wow I can totally save all those toilet paper rolls and use them for meaningful artsy projects and what not. This is useful stuff to me. It has made me more creative and really showed me that I am not the only person in the world that wants a coat hanger made of doll parts or a delicious recipe for vegan nachos (which I have made 100 times without the aid of Pinterest) but theirs are always better and take WAY more work.

Still, late at night when I am suppose to be sleeping I browse Pinterest. I have become a DIY maven, at least in my mind. I have actually only made like 2 things, maybe three, that I absolutely love due to Pinny (I feel like Pinterest and I are close enough now for affectionate nicknames). Okay, I haven’t made a lot for all the time I have spent browsing but hey…baby steps.

Another reason I adore this site is that affirms that there are other people with similar tastes, hang-ups and love for both meaningless and meaningful stuff. I like that. I like that one day I can be finding a use all the spray paint I buy and the next, I can be planning a party for dogs. And all this information is in one spot…mind blown. Okay wait, I know that technically I have to click on the website for the actual directions but you get what I am putting down. Right?

So in closing, I will share my ridiculous Pinterest site with you and hopefully you will still like me after you see how strange I really am. But then you are reading this so you probably already know. And if you feel like sharing yours with me, then awesome!! Find me on Pinterest at Jamie Marose

“Sleep- The Most Beautiful Experience in Life- Except Drink”

“Sleep- The Most Beautiful Experience in Life- Except Drink” –W.C. Fields

Sleep. It is one of those things that I absolutely hate but I also simply adore. I hate it because I don’t do it very well. I stay up until my body feels like it going to literally fall down. Once I am actually asleep I can sleep for like 8 hours like a hibernating bear. The weird thing is that I have tried many many times to go to bed early and get up like normal people. Unfortunately, no matter what I do I cannot be normal (when it comes to sleeping).

I know what you’re thinking and before you get all self-righteous on me, yes I have tried giving up caffeine, eating different foods, taking non-habitual forming sleeping aids, it just doesn’t happen. Now let me explain, I can get up if I need to and be somewhat coherent but I wont be able to go to sleep until later that night. Cycle starts again. Then once every couple months this girl checks out for a couple days. By checking out, I mean I totally sleep all day long and into the night.

Now don’t think that I am not getting up at all and I am lying in my own filthy or anything but I literally sleep 12-13 hours only to get up for a few hours and then go back to bed. I didn’t notice that I did this until a few months ago when it happened and then a couple days ago it happened again. Pretty sure its been going on for awhile and I just didn’t put the pattern together. But it is definitely a checking out moment.

I normally don’t care about societal norms. Different is okay with me, I like the night way better anyway; less busy, not so damn hot, and things always seem more mysterious. But I noticed an article that said 14 Things that Highly Successful People Do. And on this list was get up early because the mind thinks quicker in the day. While I do not disagree with this, since science has told us that our bodies run better at certain times, I DO think that a body can be successful no matter the time of day.

If I am not a natural morning person than there is no way that I will achieve shit in the morning that resembles success. But if my best time of day is 4-8 pm is that to say that I will never be successful? I may not sleep like a normal person but I am awake enough to know that early is for the birds and I feel I am pretty motivated and mildly successful in life even if its later than normal.